Title: Yeonmi Park On North Korea Having No Internet
Created On: June 7, 2023 at 03:43PM
Yeonmi Park, North Korean defector and human rights activist, opens up about what it means to raise her child in a free world. In this emotional and insightful video, Yeonmi shares her experiences growing up under the oppressive regime in North Korea, and how it has shaped her perspective as a mother. Through her story, she highlights the importance of freedom and education in shaping the next generation. This powerful message is a must-watch for anyone interested in human rights, parenting, and creating a better future for all. Watch now to hear Yeonmi’s inspiring words.
Yeonmi Park, Kim Jong Un, North Korea, dictatorship, human rights, Jang Song-thaek, public trial, oppressive regime, international community, atrocities, awareness,Yeonmi Park, North Korean defector, escape from North Korea, Yalu River, South Korea, human rights, North Korean politics, inspiring stories, resilience, hope.
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