Title: Why Normies Ruin Everything – MGTOW
Created On: October 20, 2023 at 02:04PM
From: Sandman
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy The Dakota MGTOW and here’s what he has to say: “Hi Sandman, Can you please talk about Millenial’s and Zoomers involved with role playing in D&D or Dungeons or Dragons? My main points include number one the dumbing down of the rules. Number two adding more and races so that they can feel unique, special, and powerful. So many of them can’t write an intriguing character background they have no choice but use oddball races. Number three over reliance on magic. Every class of character has at least one spell casting option now including the fighter and rogue. This makes the game more like Hairy Potter but also players rely on magic to solve most of their problems they don’t have the critical thinking skills we had back in the day. Number four the player groups post ads to recruit dungeon masters because nobody in their group can or wants to take the initiative to do it. Number five the full reliance on published adventures. Many groups these just run one published adventure pack after another and they have entire book shelves full. But if they ever get to the point where they run out of published adventures to run they literally can’t play.” Well Randy thanks for the donation and topic. Part of the reason for this is normies getting involved in D&D and another part of it is the lack of imagination, initiative and ingenuity from millennials and zoomers. Recently I was mentoring a guy in his teens and he actually wants to learn about weight lifting and many other things. But others his age lack curiosity and discipline. What you’re seeing that on the whole those two generations are different and that’s to be expected. Part of the decline in the quality of gamers has to do with the mainstreamification of role playing games. Remember that I wanted to make the Red Pill ideas mainstream. I knew that once normies got their hands on it it wouldn’t be as potent and require as much effort to learn. But I also knew that I wanted to help free as many men as possible even if the message was somewhat watered down. I remember D&D games and dice at the local hobbies shop growing up and there was a huge aisle of books but I didn’t care. I was more interested in video games, Gi Joes and Lego. It wasn’t until about 2010 that many of the D&D gamer guys started to get girlfriends and were telling me that their attractive girlfriends were into gaming.
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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by “Videezy.com”