Title: When Men Are Pressured Into It
Created On: February 27, 2024 at 10:00AM
From: Bradford Carlton
Strap in gentleman, because we’re about to dive into the dangerous world of acknowledging that men can be victims of abuse. What happens when a young man isn’t quite ready to engage in activities with a partner, but feels forced and pressured to do so. Well, when this happens to women, we have a clear label for the crime that this is. Yet, when it comes to men, too many people simply tell him he’s lucky.
When did men and boys being the subject of a criminal’s desires become something that he should feel lucky about instead of seeing her as the perpetrator that she is? Should we have respect for everyone who has been victimized, regardless of gender and treat them all equally? Isn’t that what the feminism movement is supposed to be about?
Join the conversation. Leave your comments below, and share this video if you know anyone who would resonate with this message. Together, we can push back against these toxic narratives, and help men everywhere.
#mensissues #peerpressure #feminism #boys