What to Do When She Asks Your Occupation

What to Do When She Asks Your Occupation
All of us men here know what it means when a girl asks us our occupation; it means, How much money do you have.
Here are some of my past replies:
• I’m not looking for a girlfriend now, sorry
• I don’t make enough money for you to love me… Hell, I don’t make enough for you to even like me.
• Would you date a man that worked at a McDonalds? When she says ‘No’, I’ll tell her, I work at a McDonalds
• My grandmother told me long ago, Never trust a girl that asks for your occupation before she knows your last name. then I ask her, What is my last name?
• I ask for her age and weight, when she says that those are inappropriate questions to ask a lady, I tell her that her questions were inappropriate as well.
• Are you writing a book?
• I’m a pimp

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