Title: Trump is ‘a jerk. Nobody likes him’: 3 reasons New Hampshire voters are stick… #short #news
Created On: October 23, 2023 at 08:42PM
Former President Donald Trump has filed to appear on New Hampshire’s Republican primary ballot for the 2024 race, and his supporters have voiced their reasons for sticking with him. Despite ongoing criminal trials against him, many voters at a recent rally expressed that Trump is the right person for the job, believing he has been unfairly persecuted. Additionally, his focus on being a “man of the people” and addressing economic concerns, particularly energy costs, resonates with his supporters. Finally, Trump’s “America first” agenda continues to appeal to voters who want the next president to prioritize domestic issues over foreign commitments.
View the original article: https://ift.tt/Ige6OG4 (USA TODAY)
Full title: Trump is ‘a jerk. Nobody likes him’: 3 reasons New Hampshire voters are sticking with him
Original article date: 2023-10-23T23:53:57Z
Art: https://ift.tt/tR9pSOl
Background music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCtwi8XkB4o
#short #news #scorchai
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