Title: They were mean to the Blind Guy
Created On: November 4, 2023 at 01:00PM
From: Blind Surfer Pete Gustin
I’ve surfed this spot twice before but only on crappy surf days when no one else was out. I’ve been doing really well though and Necia and I decided it was finally time to give it a try even though it was going to be pretty crowded. The person I actually felt the worst for during this whole thing was Banana who was just sitting on the beach waiting and waiting and waiting for SOMETHING to happen, and when it did, she missed it. she was pretty bummed. For me, I guess I get it. I was in a competitive spot and I’m not a regular and no one is just going to “give” me a wave. We did our best though and I’m actually really happy with the waves I did catch. I caught more than one….but Banana had kinda given up after missing the first huge one.
#shorts #blind #surfing