Title: They HOOD AF: City Girl Mayor is an ANGEL Compared To THESE 2 LADIES!
Created On: March 11, 2024 at 11:30AM
From: Oshay Duke Jackson
Recently We have been focusing on Tiffany Henyard aka The City Girl Mayor. However, we have not focused on other people doing harm in the community such as Zina Thomas and Erica Manor.
Zina Thomas was heading a non profit in Detroit. Her non profit was aimed to assist Poor residents into getting discounted housing. However, we have found ZIna Thomas doing other wise:
Detroit nonprofit worker charged with stealing homes
We also have Erica Norris out of Memphis scamming single women out of their tax and rental income money:
Dolton politician’s cancer charity got almost all of its reported money from taxpayers
FBI probes misconduct allegations against Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard