The Story of Chris’ Divorce

The Story of Chris’ Divorce
Back in 2001, I met a man whose wife just walked out on him only days before. The man, Chris, worked as a food & beverage manager at a hotel in NYC. Chris lived in a 3 family house where his 81 year old mother lived alone in one apartment while Chris lived with his wife and 2 sons in another. The third apartment was rented out to another family.
Chris was heartbroken and cried often after his wife left. He ended up blaming himself for his wife’s actions. She blamed him too. I met up with him every evening after work to help him through the troubles he was experiencing. He was hurt over his wife’s departure. She took money and the kids. Later on, he was awarded 50/50 custody with his kids and they stayed over just about every weekend because the mother found a weekend job. The court said she couldn’t take the home because it was in his mom’s name. But she tried to take it.
His wife laughed at him, and told him she was going to find a better man than him. She teased and taunted him for years afterwards. She said that he will never change and that she left because he never loved her.
Chris told me there was a time when his wife nearly died after giving birth. He stood by her side non-stop for days without leaving the hospital for even a minute. He told me that he did everything in his power to be the best husband he knew how. He asked over and over again, “How could she do this to him after all that he’d done for her?”
The ex-wife found a new husband to marry. She rubbed it in Chris’ face every chance she could but it had less effect on him the longer they were divorced. That only lasted 8 months as she took the new husband’s money and left.
Years went by and Chris sold the house after his mom passed. He bought a very nice condominium and lived with his two sons and new girlfriend. His boys are both in college now.
Chris called me today, 17 years after we first met to tell me that he ran into his ex-wife. He told me how she hung her head in shame as the two passed each other on the street. He later found out through friends of his ex-wife’s family that his ex-wife stole money from her second husband and moved to Florida. She spent all that money and she moved into a trailer park. Later, she was unable to afford the trailer park and moved back to NYC to move into a woman’s homeless shelter.
Chris thanked me for helping him out in the beginning and to tell me that I was right in saying that she will get hers in the end.

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