Title: The Feminist Double Standard
Created On: March 1, 2024 at 10:00AM
From: Bradford Carlton
Feminism is a board topic that encompasses many different ideas and ideals. Yet, there is no one specific idea called feminism that is universally held by all. This leads to many situations where feminists end up arguing against each other and fighting the middle.
Today, many proponents of feminism are opposed to helping or considering men’s issues, and in fact, will argue against any aid given to men because of misunderstanding the statistics that surround gender equality issues. Could these problems be solved if more feminists were open to supporting equality instead of their own pet projects?
Join the conversation. Leave your comments below, and share this video if you know anyone who would resonate with this message. Together, we can push back against these toxic narratives, and help men everywhere.
#mensissues #doublestandards #feminism #hypocrisy