Title: TFM the FDM DM: DIY Speed Paints, Fire Effects, and Poopoo Peepee Wash (for Undead)
Created On: March 19, 2024 at 05:59PM
From: Turd Flinging Monkey
This is an experimental video about a hobby that I enjoy (tabletop roleplaying and miniature gaming) just to give myself a break from my usual content to “unplug” from all the drama and nonsense happening in the world.
I’m a cheapskate, and you may find my techniques for creating low-cost effects and alternatives to expensive hobby paints and supplies useful. The things I’ll be covering in this video are:
– how you make your own “speed paint” (aka “contrast paint” aka a thick wash that flows into recesses)
– how to paint undead really quickly and easily using what I call the “poopoo peepee wash”
– how to make fire effects using a yellow wash and gold glitter paint for embers
If this is something you enjoy, let me know. We all need a break sometimes.
background music: “Prophet 7” by Noir Et Blanc Vie. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.
I don’t have any links to any of the products shown. Just go to Walmart.