Title: Teyana Taylor Tried To Ruin Iman Shumpert…But Here’s How it BACK FIRED
Created On: November 27, 2023 at 01:25PM
From: Oshay Duke Jackson
Teyana Taylor has made it clear that her impending divorce from Iman Shumpert is not up for public consumption.
In a passionate tweet sent on Friday (November 24), the multihyphenate told her fans that she wasn’t interested in answering questions about the divorce, for which she filed the papers back in January.
“I mind my business, don’t bother nobody, & y’all know I’ve never played about my children, family, and our privacy,” she began. “I have not spoken about this private matter to any media outlets or blogs, etc. So everyone claiming ‘Teyana said’ didn’t get any statements directly from ME.”
She continued: “These statements were taken from private court documents that were leaked to the public. It is very heartbreaking that someone would take out the time to make such a private matter public for the world to see. However, protecting my family is one thing I’ve ALWAYS done, & for my children, I will continue to do so.
“Please if y’all love y’all play nieces Junie and Rue like y’all have shown, please allow myself and my family some privacy to resolve this matter in peace. [praying hands emoji] Love y’all. [heart emoji].”
In her caption, she added: “This will be the FIRST and LAST time I speak on this matter.”