Title: Socialists cannot handle the real world. This shit is HILARIOUS.
Created On: October 21, 2022 at 12:44PM
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#lgbt #lgbtq #socialjustice #socialjusticewarriors #sjw #woke #cspan #transgender #transphobic #politics #mgtow #republican #progressive #postmodern #philosophy #trump2024 #capitalism #capitalist
inspired by Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Brett Cooper, Patriot Twins, The Quartering, Gonzalo Lira Coach Red Pill, Coach Greg Adams, Casey Zander, Teaching Mens Fashion, A Different Perspective,Timothy Ward, Mark Dice, Andrew Tate, Libs of tiktok, Tim Pool, Steven Crowder, Prager U, Charlie Kirk , Strong Successful Male, and Blaire White