Title: Snarky Thought of the Day #370 The Politically Correct Holiday Season #life #christmas #religion #fy
Created On: December 15, 2023 at 11:00AM
It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Unless you happen to be a far-right douchenozzle. Then it’s a time of self-invented frustration and anger.
Donald Trump held a rally a few miles from my home the other night, and one of the speakers there brought up the old trope that the “War on Christmas” is real, and that “Liberals are coming for Jesus!”
(Or something like that.)
It’s always fascinating when angry people invent a righteous, yet wrong-minded cause to rally around.
(*cough-canned pumpkin-cough*)
When the mob picks a target, they go after it full force. Whether or not they are justified (they usually aren’t) or right (rarely, if ever) doesn’t matter. All that matters is: they’re mad, and they want to be heard.
This probably comes from a place of insecurity. When you feel powerless in your life, examining what’s going on and making changes is more difficult than projecting your insecurities onto others.
(See: the comments section of any viral video.)
Personally, I don’t understand that approach.
Me, I like observing.
Hence the point of this video: I’m an atheist, and I love Christmas.
That might seem like an odd dichotomy to some, but what can I say? I’m not bothered by religious displays, even though I’ve no interest in religion. I say “Merry Christmas,” even though I hold no attachment to the “Christ” part of that phrase.
And, as stated in the video, when I hear someone use “Happy Holidays,” I don’t get all up in arms.
That’s them, that’s their choice.
What does being triggered by things out of my control do, other than infect me with negativity?
(Plus, I’ve never understood what people think negativity is going to solve. You don’t win hearts and minds by being angry, and shouting, something TikTok doesn’t seem to have figured out.)
Anyway, we’re a week and change from Christmas, and I hope you have a merry one!
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