Title: She’s SHADY AF: Another City Girl Attorney Is Regretting Her Dusty Behavior
Created On: March 11, 2024 at 09:00AM
From: Oshay Duke Jackson
A former top prosecutor for the city of Baltimore was convicted Tuesday on one count of mortgage fraud, concluding a lengthy criminal trial in which Marilyn Mosby testified she unwittingly made false statements on loan applications to buy two Florida vacation homes.
The jury announced a split verdict Tuesday evening after deliberating most of the day, finding Mosby not guilty on a second mortgage fraud charge, The Baltimore Sun reported.
She was previously convicted on two counts of perjury in a separate criminal trial that took place in November. She hasn’t been sentenced in either case.
The federal criminal charges stemmed from allegations that Mosby claimed a pandemic-related hardship to make early withdrawals from her retirement account, then used that money for down payments on the Florida properties. Prosecutors alleged she repeatedly lied on the mortgage applications.
Mosby served two terms as state’s attorney for Baltimore, earning a national profile for her progressive policies and several high-profile decisions. She brought charges against the police officers involved in the 2015 death of Freddie Gray, which ignited widespread protests against police brutality. None were convicted.
Mosby lost re-election in 2022 after being indicted by a federal grand jury.