Title: She’s Begging Jeezy To NOT DIVORCE HER| Jeannie Mai
Created On: September 23, 2023 at 08:01PM
From: Oshay Duke Jackson
Jeannie Mai is not throwing in the towel on her marriage to Jeezy quite yet. The rapper filed a divorce petition with the Fulton County Superior Court on Sept. 14, citing that the marriage of more than two years was irretrievably broken and that reconciliation was not on the table.
Jeannie Mai is not throwing in the towel on her marriage to Jeezy quite yet. The rapper filed a divorce petition with the Fulton County Superior Court on Sept. 14, citing that the marriage of more than two years was irretrievably broken and that reconciliation was not on the table.
Court documents reveal that Jeezy, real name Jay Wayne Jenkins, had been contemplating a separation since June.
Around that time, he and the former “The Real” co-host took a three-week-long trip to Vietnam. Mai is Vietnamese and said the experience was an important opportunity to share her culture with her husband.
It has been widely speculated that cultural differences may have played a hand in the marriage’s demise. An alleged insider told “Entertainment Tonight” that the couple had differing views on “certain family values and expectations. They had different views, and each felt like their needs weren’t being completely met.”
Mai and Jeezy’s silence on the personal matter has fueled online speculation from those seeking intimate details about their relationship.