Title: Sex Toy Review: TRYFUN Blackhole Pro Masturbator w/ Heated Air Warming and Drying (Sponsored)
Created On: October 25, 2023 at 01:42AM
From: Turd Flinging Monkey
YouTube doesn’t allow clickable links anymore, the URLs now contain the word “dot” because we live in a society.
45% OFF code: 45TF2ADX4
Product Link: www dot tryfun dot com/collections/best-sellers/products/black-hole-pro-retractable-electric-masturbation-cup
BLACK HOLE PRO Masturbator is a retractable male masturbator with unique Stepless Speed Change technology. Users can easily adjust the speed by rotating the button to achieve a seamless and customized experience.
TRYFUN Official Website: www dot tryfun dot com
Background Music: “Fingers” by Otis McDonald. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.