Title: SCAM ALERT: City Girl Commissioner Caught Doing THIS To An Elderly Woman!
Created On: March 22, 2024 at 04:13PM
From: Oshay Duke Jackson
A Florida city commissioner is being investigated in connection with the theft of $100,000 from a 96-year-old woman to pay for a facelift, dental surgery and hotel rooms, among other expenses, according to police and court documents.
Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill is accused of financially exploiting the 96-year-old woman since March 15, 2021, according to an affidavit from an agent for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
The special agent’s investigation suggests Hill had no prior relationship with the elderly woman before meeting her in March 2021 and obtaining power of attorney over her a little over a month later, according to the court records obtained by USA TODAY on Wednesday.
Allegations against Hill arose when the agent interviewed the commissioner’s former aide, court documents show.
Hill’s former aide told the agent about a home Hill bought on Aug. 19, 2022, in Orlando. An investigation into the purchase determined the power of attorney form used to buy the home was fraudulent because the aide’s name was on documents she didn’t sign and dates didn’t match up, according to court records.
Orlando Commissioner Regina Hill accused of exploiting elderly woman, buying house in her name
Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill accused of exploiting 96-year-old woman
Florida Politician CAUGHT Scamming Elderly Woman