Rules For Younger Man

Rules For Younger Men
1 – Never date a single mother or divorced women.
2 – Never spend money on women.
3 – Never lend money to women.
4 – Never give women access to your money.
5 – Never tell women how much money you make.
6 – Never tell woman your secrets, your full name or where you live.
7 – Never financially obligate yourself. (marry) to an entity whose prerogative is to change her mind and profit from you.
8 – Never pay women’s bills.
9 – Never co-sign women’s credit cards or loans.
10 – Never get involved with female co-workers.
11 – Never get involved with illegal immigrants that need a green card.(Marriage Fraud).
12 – Never get involved with long distance women. (mail order brides)
13 – Never let women move in with you.
14 – Never underestimate how devastating women can be.
15 – Never take care of another man’s child.
16 – Never fight over women.
17 – Never fight women’s battles.
18 – Never give up hobbies & friends for girlfriends or wives.
19 – Never put women’s needs before your needs.
20 – Never teach women how to be as strong as you.
21 – Never date women who has a bad or no relationship with her father.
22 – Never rescue women from a violent boyfriend.
23 – Always remember that women will cheat on you at any time and they are better at hiding it than you think..
24 – Always get a DNA test before you sign a birth certificate.
25 – Always make Women feel as if you can snap any minute.
26 – Always criticize her appearance.
27 – Always let women know how displeased you are with her.
28 – Always let women know how replaceable she is to you.
29 – A woman will always want you to go above and beyond to meet her very high standards yet she will never do that for you.
30 – If she asks your occupation, she is a gold digger.
31 – If she uses sex as a bargaining tool, you are in trouble.
32 – If she has a complaint about you in any way, tell her to find a perfect man and show her the door.
33 – Past performance does not guarantee future results.
34 – Her ultimatum is your cue to leave her.
35 – “Provider” and “Chivalry” means you are a slave and a servant to her.
36 – Above All, Stay away from feminists!
Remember, a woman wants you to commit to her and love her exclusively, she will never love or commit to you. A woman will always want you to go above and beyond to meet her very high standards yet she will never do that for you. She wants a man that will protect her with his life and she wants him to worship her for that chance to die trying to save her when she deliberately places herself in harms way.

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