Proof Positive That AWALT

Proof Positive That AWALT
Many years before MGTOW was even mentioned, I would talk to people about how I was perceiving women’s behavior. I would talk to men and some would agree and some wouldn’t. Some men would get defensive. Most mental health workers (psychiatrists, social workers, etc.) I talked to said I needed help, as if there was absolutely, no difference the way men and women behave. Women on the other hand would get mad and verbally lash out, while others became defensive and and tried to negate everything I said.
They would almost always say, Not all women are like that and You are the one that picked these women, as if to protect the female collective whole blaming me. It was almost like talking to a member of the mafia when they tell you there was no such thing as the mafia.
After seeing this same exact interaction, and rebuttal, time and time again, I would prepare myself by writing on a piece of paper the following, Not all women are that way and You are the one that picked them. Sometimes I would pause a conversation just to write those phrases, some days I would have 2 index cards in my pocket ready. When I heard them say either or both statements, I would show them their words on a piece of paper. I would tell them, If all women are not like what I explained, why do they all pick the same exact phrase every single time?
You see, NAWALT (Not All Women Are Like That) is the knee jerk deflective statement that most women will say once you explain their behavior, thus proving AWALT (All Women Are Like That).

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