Never Hit A Woman, Test

Never Hit A Woman, Test
I was talking to a girl and the subject came up about men hitting women. She said, A man should never ever hit a woman no matter what!
I asked her, If you and I were walking down the street and, out of the blue, a big strong woman starts beating you unmercifully without provocation, what should I do? Should I use my phone and call the cops or should I use my fists?
Her look and reaction was priceless as she didn’t really know what to say.
She said many things like, I didn’t do anything to her. and, You could convince her of stopping.
I looked at her and nodded in approval, That’s what I will do. I’ll stand back and tell her to stop. That will work.
Someone should make a series of videos asking random girls on the street if a man should ever hit a woman and when the woman says, ‘No’ present this scenario and see how they react.
Where are all the YouTubers in this group?

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