My Life As A Phone Psychic #8
Most of my callers would be women complaining about their income source (their husband or boyfriend) while working on a new one that is still married or in a more committed relationship. They would tell me how their man would not live up to their expectation of what they imagined. I would always tell them that there are two men in their lives; one that they wanted to come into their life, the other one they wants to leave. I would tell these women this even before they speak. They were so typical.
Day in and day out it was a factory assembly line of women telling me what they couldn’t tell their clergymen, friends, relatives or psychiatrists. It was no wonder how I pegged them so well without even a word from their mouths.
They would never see their actions as cheating. I would tell these women that I see them working hard to get a commitment from the married men they want but the men do not seem to be responding. I would usually praise these women with the level of effort they were providing in order to get their target men to commit to them. I even told these women that they were going above and beyond what they would usually do for the new man in order to get him to commit to her.
These women that called me were always so frustrated at their efforts to get an attached man to leave their committed partner and commit to them instead. Their dependencies were so intertwined. They depended on a man they hated while they looked at a new attached man as their new dependency. They will never drop one for the other. Walking that fine line to hold one in place while trying their best to attract and hold on to the new one. Never leaving the first dependency until the second one is secured tightly.
This is “Monkey Branching” at it’s finest.