Title: Mo’nique Tries To Come After DL Hughley But INSTANTLY REGRETTED IT!
Created On: February 10, 2024 at 12:38AM
From: The Celebrity Junk
D.L. Hughley hopped online to respond to Mo’Nique’s remarks during her Club Shay Shay interview.
Mo’Nique says things between her and D.L. Hughley will never be cool until he takes accountability for asking her whether she would rather her husband, Sidney Hicks, have protected sex with “Precious” director Lee Daniels or unprotected sex with video vixen, Karrine Steffans during his radio show.
Mo’Nique said the question was inappropriate. The pair also beef publicly during a tour where Mo’Nique accused him of shady business dealings.
“Listen, I just got off the phone with your team,” she said to Hughley. “And they wanted to play this game ‘Would You Rather’ and it was like stupid.”
Hughley reportedly told her that is just how the show goes, but Mo’Nique says she responded, “Well, how does that uplift our community? I don’t know what y’all trying to insinuate but brother what you doing?”
Hughley says Mo’nique is a liar.
“I don’t know anyone that works out that much and gains weight…unless every crunch they do has a Captain in front of it. She’s a liar. She has the temerity to be offended by everyone, (despite) the sh-t you say about people. She always asks people to look up the videos. You won’t find it (in relation to what she said about me) because she’s a f-cking liar,” he ranted.
Hughley added: “She told the world I allowed my daughter to be molested. This lying motherf-cker. She knows she was lying and it only stopped when everyone from my family checked her.”
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