Title: Mo’nique Just Got Exposed By Her Son For Being a FRAUD…and GUESS WHO MAD?
Created On: February 15, 2024 at 01:58PM
From: Oshay Duke Jackson
Mo’Nique’s oldest son, Shalon Jackson, has spoken on their estranged bond following the comedian’s viral appearance on the Club Shay Shay podcast.
In a nearly 10-minute TikTok video, Jackson responds to the portion of the interview where the Precious star addresses her “false narrative about her praying to the universe” to reconcile their relationship.
Jackson, who is also a stand-up comedian, began by explaining he wrote down his response to avoid getting emotional or caught up when sharing his side of the story.
“I would like to free her from having to continue telling that lie,” detailed Jackson. “Faith without work is dead, and neither one of us cares to put forth any effort to reconcile with the other. We are separate as she put it because she doesn’t care to be my mother any more than I care to be her son.”