Title: Lessons in eye contact…from a blind guy
Created On: October 20, 2023 at 01:00PM
From: Blind Surfer Pete Gustin
My comment section is filled with people who doubt my blindness simply for the reason that it appears I’m looking at the camera. This is a skill that I was losing in the early days of my vision loss but one I reclaimed when I began my weird and slightly embarrassing career as a male model. You can’t be a very good model if you can’t find the camera so I spent a long time using my ears to locate the camera and then trained my eyeballs to lock onto the location I was hearing. I was never able to see the camera, but at least it appeared as though I was looking at it. I do the same thing these days while sitting in front of a camera and even do it when I’m speaking to people in person. It’s how a blind guy fakes eye contact.
#shorts #blind