Title: It Is Nearly Impossible To Have A Good Male Role Model Because We’ve Ruined Masculinity
Created On: October 15, 2023 at 12:00PM
From: Bradford Carlton
Embark on a thought-provoking journey as we dissect the complexities of modern masculinity. π Explore the critical discourse about the diminished portrayal of positive male role models and how the stifling of healthy masculinity conversations leaves young boys navigating a confusing path. πΆββοΈ This clip challenges the established narratives, urging viewers to ponder upon the silent struggles that men encounter when seeking wholesome exemplars in a society that often sidelines their experiences. π€ Join us in unveiling a perspective that demands attention, advocating for a future where discussions about masculinity, growth, and role models are embraced without bias or preconceived notions. π± #Masculinity #RoleModels #mensissues #redpill