How Women Ruin Cities Through Socialism – MGTOW – (From: Sandman)

Title: How Women Ruin Cities Through Socialism – MGTOW

Created On: July 13, 2023 at 05:35PM

From: Sandman

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Terry and here’s what he very briefly has to say: “Hi Sandman, Cities in American are failing because of the hard core left! Are cities in good shape in Canada? Because I even went to Canada to a baseball MLB game!” Well Terry thanks for the donation and topic. Unless you saw a baseball game in Montreal back when the Montreal Expos were playing in Olympic Stadium then I’m going to guess you went to Toronto and saw a game here. Toronto city council is way far left and many members are open communists. That’s how bad it’s gotten here. But Toronto is like New York. Both cities syphon off the money from both countries because both economies are now financialized. So it doesn’t matter that woke leftists run both Toronto and New York they can’t fail because they keep stealing the wealth of citizens to pay for socialism. Most of Canada’s cities are in horrible shape, at least the ones I’ve been to. In Toronto we have Windsor, London, Hamilton and Oshawa just to a name a few that are in rough shape. Just like Cleveland, Detroit and St. Louis are in terrible shape. Montreal is in awful shape. The people living in the center the last time I went looked poor and their cars tended to be old and beat up. The roads and bridges were falling appart and most of the city looks like it’s stuck in a timewarp from the 1970s when the banks left the place and came to Toronto. Your trip to Toronto made you see hundreds of tall towers and the place looked like a smaller version of Chicago. But head over to Buffalo and it’s a different picture. The financialization of places like Toronto and New York cover the failed socialist policies. In most cities the women outnumber men and they can’t help but vote socialists in because it’s in their nature to think in as a collective. Giving women the vote gave them collective bargaining power over the fate of our civilizatoin. Men generally have to organize into unions to fight for our rights. Women just naturally form one without having to say a word. Plus they outnumber the men in cites and concentrate in them because they are the places where the most successful men make money and concentrate resources so the women try to mate with them. But most don’t get the best men so they subvert the government, by voting for liberal leaders to increase taxes on those men so they can get government handouts. This works with a debt based money system where they keep borrowing and spending. But that’s coming to an end with the end of debt based money one way or another. Either through the end of population growth and therefore the end of nominal GDP growth or through the rise of Bitcoin. It’s simple mathematics. I’ll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today’s sponsor me:

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by “”

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