Title: How Rooftop Koreans Defended Los Angeles…
Created On: November 3, 2022 at 06:30PM
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During the violent riots in LA in 1992, countless stores were attacked and looted. Many Korean shopkeepers received no support from the police, who were completely overwhelmed and preferred to protect richer neighborhoods. So, they took matters into their own hands.
The police advised Koreans to simply flee and leave their stores to be looted. However, since most of the owners could not afford insurance, they would lose their entire livelihood that way. Therefore, the Koreans banded together in groups and defended their stores day and night against the looters. Despite several fierce gun battles, they mostly aimed in the air so as not to seriously injure anyone. Eyewitnesses reported that Koreatown was like a war zone and that police rarely dared to come near.
Ironically, the police officers who were briefly on the scene arrested some shopkeepers for illegal possession of weapons, preventing them from defending their belongings. In retrospect, however, the Koreans earned a lot of respect for their brave efforts and were nicknamed “Roof Koreans.”
#koreatownnyc #usa #losangeles #koreatown
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Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio
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