Hell on Earth is here, yet the Kingdom of Heaven has already come.

Title: Hell on Earth is here, yet the Kingdom of Heaven has already come.

Created On: December 29, 2022 at 05:27PM

People in the government, in families, and in themselves are bringing trouble into the world. Even Christians nowadays don’t realize that their spiritual oppression of anger and sin is unnecessary!

00:00 Suffering brought on by self and others
01:46 Bible Thumper waiting for the Christ
02:56 It is finished. God gives perfect peace.
05:08 You can’t win by struggling.
06:22 Brainwashed to look for knowledge
07:11 It’s a spiritual battle, no racism, etc
07:47 Watch yourself. Be alone and see.
08:40 Thoughts are from your daddy Satan
09:17 No love in families, friends, or gov’t

Clip from Wednesday, December 7, 2022, Top of Hour 1, The Jesse Lee Peterson Show



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