Title: City Girl Mayor Ruins Her Career After She Gets Caught Lying ABOUT THIS!
Created On: November 12, 2023 at 11:34AM
From: Oshay Duke Jackson
Dolton, Illinois is a small mostly Black middle class suburb outside of Chicago. It’s a quaint and safe place where Black people move to escape the hustle and bustle (and violence) of Chicago.
Two years ago the city elected a glamorous young woman, Mayor Tiffany Henyard, who has been labeled by folks in the town a “City Girl” because of the way she dresses, speaks, and her general demeanor.
And ever since Mayor Tiffany has come to office … all kinds of things started happening, mostly bad.
Media Take Out learned that the local news did a full investigation into Mayor Tiffany where they suggested that despite making nearly $300,000 in salary- she has been taking lavish trips and dinners and charging it to the city.
These episodes are important below: