Title: Bohemian Rhapsody cover – Richie Castellano
Created On: December 26, 2011 at 03:27PM
I recently had the honor of meeting and performing for Roger Taylor, the drummer for Queen. To commemorate this experience, I decided to record this split screen video of my favorite song of all time!
****Some people have been asking me to put this on iTunes. Here’s a link:
This version is in Stereo with lots of hard panning. If you’re only hearing one side on your device, check out the Mono version here: http://youtu.be/92wUme22vD8
I’m getting a few comments concerning AutoTune. Please watch this new video I posted on that: http://youtu.be/o_nYNF4iBho
My Under Pressure Cover: https://youtu.be/x7I5ryuoBhc
My Don’t Stop Me Now Cover: https://youtu.be/Q9_2bOzWLSw
For even more fun covers check out my Band Geek Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr0aQElfg8i8TLilpFkJ8BDB0wReTHfP0
To see more solo one-man covers click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr0aQElfg8i8Ru9NvDL2PeTsdmafVBx8o
For more info visit https://ift.tt/hUzYInf
#BohemianRhapsody #Queen #Cover