Andrew Tate Is Right About Disrespectful Women – (From: Alexander Grace)

Title: Andrew Tate Is Right About Disrespectful Women

Created On: December 18, 2022 at 05:00AM

From: Alexander Grace

Videos in the Andrew Tate series:

– Andrew Tate is right about men being too feminine (Dec 10)
– Andrew Tate is wrong about men’s mental health (Dec 12)
– Andrew Tate is right about women’s dating choices (Dec 14)
– Andrew Tate is wrong about taking responsibility (Dec 16)
– Andrew Tate is right about disrespectful women (Dec 18)
– Andrew Tate is wrong about fatherhood (Dec 20)
– Andrew Tate is right about traditional gender roles (Dec 22)
– Final Thoughts (Dec 23)

Why I’ve made a video series on Andrew Tate – FULL EXPLANATION

I had only vaguely heard of Andrew Tate until recently, a few people on Patreon sending me DM’s, asking my opinion on him, that sort of thing. People seemed to think there was commonality between my content and his and so were curious to know my thoughts. I couldn’t meaningfully comment because I have had a rule not to watch any content similar in substance to my own. I’ve had this rule for years to make sure my videos are always fresh, original and unique to my own views. I attribute a lot of my success to this rule because it ensures that when people visit my channel, they are seeing a pure expression of my sovereign thoughts and values – not a rehash of other people’s ideas.

I didn’t intend to watch any Andrew Tate content but when I heard he had been cancelled, kicked off all the social media platforms, I wanted to know why. I watched a few news items and opinion pieces that said he was a hateful figure spreading negativity and corrupting boys across the globe. I found this worrying because I had been told that his views were similar to mine!

I wanted to investigate further because I am sceptical of these coordinated cancellations. Are the people being deplatformed genuinely negative or are they just telling truths that are dangerous to existing power structures and ideologies? In either case, I hate being infantilized, having someone else making the decision to censor what information I’m allowed access to. I don’t need babysitting by corporations deciding what ideas I’m allowed to hear, I want to make up my own mind. So I decided to break my own rule, type Andrew Tate into YouTube, and learn what this guy was about.

The first thing that came up was a 5 hour podcast, which I clicked on. I found listening to Andrew Tate fascinating. His perspective was very pro-masculinity and he spoke with conviction, insight and passion. Regardless of whether you agreed with everything he said, it seemed plainly obvious to me that the quality of public discourse would be raised by engaging with his ideas, not by censoring him. As I listened, I couldn’t guess which specific part of his world-view would have justified his deplatforming.

But this is what happens. They tell you someone is bad, so bad that you aren’t allowed access to their perspective, but they never explain in any depth with they are bad. They never get specific. They never pin down exactly what is problematic or tell you what the approved alternative is. It’s all vague, which I find infinitely frustrating.

So I decided to make an in depth video series examining the beliefs of Andrew Tate with detailed analysis of his ideas and why they are right or wrong. People in my audience might agree with my praise or my criticisms or they might fiercely disagree but at least I’ve shown them the respect of explaining in detail why I think what I think. They are then free to form their own opinions.

As to my personal opinion on Andrew Tate, his overall quality as a man and the benefit of his ideas, it will be shared in a special video at the conclusion of the series, available here:

As a quick note on potential criticisms of my video series, people might say that watching one podcast is not enough to know Andrew Tate as a person, what his intentions are or what he believes. Some of my praise or criticisms of his beliefs might be softened/hardened if I watched more content from Andrew Tate. Let me be clear that this is 100% a fair criticism. This entire video series of based off one 5 hour podcast I have watched. I have never seen the tiktok clips or compilations, just that one podcast and so watching this video series should be done with this limitation in mind.

If you want to see the podcast I watched in its entirety, you can view it here:

Also, regarding any criticism that I’m only making videos about Andrew Tate because he is popular, this is also 100% correct. It is the size of Andrew Tate’s audience and his level of influence that makes him worthy of discussion.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the series.

Check out my recently released course ‘100 Sides of Women’ (including free access to a preview video) here:

This video describes the course:

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