Title: Abused Men Are Ignored
Created On: February 28, 2024 at 10:00AM
From: Bradford Carlton
The statistics are clear: Men who are victims of domestic abuse receive substantially less support than their female counterparts. In fact, men find the least amount of support from the domestic violence support system itself than simply going and telling a family member (which already isn’t much help to begin with!)
Instead of seeing men as the oppressors, and women as the victims, lets begin to see everyone as people who are in need of support and care. When men are supported in this way, they are less likely to go down destructive roads of self-medicating, and less likely to experience PTSD after the event. So, why does society still act as if men just aren’t capable of being harmed?
Join the conversation. Leave your comments below, and share this video if you know anyone who would resonate with this message. Together, we can push back against these toxic narratives, and help men everywhere.
#mensissues #domesticviolence #victims #masculinity