A Poem From an Unknown Artist

A Poem From an Unknown Artist
I’m tired of hearing
Some of these women
From the beginning
Feeling entitled to men who accomplished what they need.
Having a long list of standards
They haven’t met
And some of them probably never meet
He has to make 6 figures
Has to have excellent credit
While you can’t keep a job and your credit is shot
He has to have no kids
While you have plenty
He has to finish college
While you have not
He has to have a nice car
Because yours keeps breaking down
He must stay loyal
While you mess with your ex
He has to bring you the world
And all things in it
So you can toss it out
And ask for snacks
Yet, but still
things get real,
You have flaws
Let’s not forget
He has to deal with your self proclaimed “craziness”
And disrespectful mouth and still hand you all the respect
Then you brag about being spoiled
And have a bad attitude
And how he hasn’t left yet
But I’m sorry baby girl
In all actuality
A woman of his equal
He probably hasn’t met
He has to work his full shifts
Accept endless O, T,
To pay all the bills
And expensive trips
Just to come home
To no home cooked meal
Yet you provide excessive lip
He has to play daddy
With no kids of his own
Because your kids’ dad wont claim them
And when he asks you something
As small as some of his favorites
You can’t even name them
Out of all that he does for you
Bending over backwards all the time
All you really want to do is to shame him
And when things don’t go right
Inside of your life
You just find a way to blame him
And now he is stuck
Trying to figure out why he has to pay for what your ex did
And when you start to realize he’s not the same him
Well, that was your fault
You stayed where you didn’t belong
Thinking you can change him
Now the man you prayed to GOD to send your way
Because you knew you deserved better
Got with you and realizes he does too
And a woman of his equal
He wants to go get her
Because you laugh at his dreams
You think it is cute to be mean
And play victim when he goes astray
But he has no use for verbal abuse
And those egotistical games that you play
See, you have to stop thinking
You’re GOD’s gift to man
When all you bring to the table is sex
Men have endless battles daily to continue to come home to stress
And when he leaves
You better believe
All those credentials you wanted
Are tagged only to his name
And now you are stuck
Claiming you do not give a fuck
When clearly you are accustom to lame
The term, “Nice guys finish last”
I’ve heard in the past
And unfortunately, it seems to be true
You may think you’re bad
But that’s just a fad
If nothing else comes with you
You see, being attractive on the surface
Serves no purpose
If there is no personality to match
And all the negativity that comes with you
Just is not worth it for a good man in reality to be attached
You say hoes are winning
But that’s just the beginning
Of the many excuses
To make you feel like you are above
If you can’t reciprocate what you think you deserve
Then you are just not ready for love
People want what they can’s have
Reach but can’t grab
And if that is the case
Put it back on the shelf
And those credentials you want your real man to have
You need to start acquiring them yourself
You see, life don’t goes as expected
Which its smart to have a “Plan B”
And C
And D
And E
Not another man
But those plans that solely involve “Me”
So before you chant, “there are no good men”
Make sure that men of that caliber are your equal
Or, you will be forever stuck
Not knowing the end to your, “Men ain’t shit” sequel
See, you want the ring, the life, the things, the love and title too
But when it comes to kings
They are only wifeing queens
hey feel their entitled too

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