When My Wife Walked Out On Me
When my wife walked out on me, she moved in with her new simp right away.
Soon after the accusations were pounding on my face;
◾ You must have done something wrong for her to leave you?
◾ What did you do to her to make her leave you?
◾ She must have left you for a reason.
◾ You picked the wrong girl.
◾ Maybe you didn’t know how to satisfy her.
◾ Maybe you didn’t know how to make her happy.
◾ You hate women.
The funny thing about this is that when word got around that my wife left me, All the single moms, divorced women and married women started to show their availability to me in a very overtly sexual way.
When I told the married women that I do not play that game, they went back to their husbands and told them I made a move on them.
As for the single moms and divorced women, they would spread rumors about me when I refused their advances.
I had young girls telling me that their mommy “likes me”. I’ve even had one woman telling me that her daughter (a woman that had 5 kids from 5 different restaurant owners) was asking about me. She also had a simp of a boyfriend that never met with her mother’s approval.
When I denied advances from a girl, I was immediately called gay and other names. One woman suggested that I go on a gay dating site. I nearly lost it and blew up in her face. She started to giggle at my anger only stating, “You’re angry.” And maybe that’s why my wife left me.
Women at work spread all kinds of allegations about the reasons my wife left me without even knowing me or my ex that well. It was like living in a bizarro world on never ending accusations and advances. It got so crazy that I had to take a break from even talking about my divorce to anyone.
What are your experiences?
Were they similar to mine?