My Life As A Phone Psychic #3
I had a caller that was very adamant about her intentions to leave her husband after 20 years, but in order to do that, she needed to find another man to latch on. She would call me from time to time asking me about every new man she met. She told her son, daughter and best friend of her intentions. She went in internet chat rooms (2002) to find men that will do her will and make her life a paradise.
One day she called me about a man in France that invited her to go there and live with him. He promised her the sun, moon and everything in between.
I almost begged her not to go. She told me that her 11 year old daughter cried and begged her not to leave, but she bought a ticket to France to meet the man that she knew nothing about.
The next call I received from her was her in France, telling me that the man never showed up. She was shocked that I was right about what I told her. But she asked again if I thought the man would show up. I told her it would not be likely.
She spent a month in France, with the money she took from her husband, then went home. When she arrived, she was shocked at the reception she received from her family. She called me, and was ponderous as to why they would not be happy that she returned.
A few days past and she called, asking why her family was distancing themselves from her. She even told me that her best friend didn’t return her calls. She then saw the credit card bills and noticed a few purchases from Victoria’s Secret while she was in France.
In short, she kicked her support system in the crotch and wondered why he didn’t support her afterwards. Now she wanted me to help her get back with her husband and get him to break it off with her ex best friend, so she could continue her search. All for $6.99 per minute.