Title: MGTOW – Advice for Men in College
Created On: September 4, 2017 at 07:00PM
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Welcome back MGTOW men.
College is a battleground for everyone, but especially men nowadays. College is a time to thrive. It’s when habits are formed, good or bad. It’s when money is saved, or money is lost. It’s when you blue pill away, or red pill your way through.
Below are the six main things that I would advise for you if you’re going to college for the first time, are still in college or know a male that is in college.
1) Pheromones buzzing – Ground yourself in red pill
2) You will be outnumbered both physically and in thought
3) This your chance to implode or explode – make good choices
4) Your friends will tempt you with bad habits
5) What’s your one thing? Pursue that above your schoolwork even.
6) Freedom is now. Seize It. Do NOT date in college.
Related Articles:
Depression in College Men: http://bit.ly/2w0c34q
Gender Gap in College: http://bit.ly/1Rordb8