Title: LAWYER: Do You Have to Roll the Window Down For the Cops? 👮♂️ #lawyerreacts
Created On: February 12, 2024 at 05:56PM
Lawyer answers your questions: Do you have to roll down the window for the cops? 👮
The short answer is, you do to provide your identifying information and your insurance. Otherwise, you are not legally required to keep it rolled down without a warrant.
However, and this is a BIG however… I have seen so many people get their windows broken by the cops, or even people aggressively yanked through broken glass because the cops claim they’re in fear for their lives. This happens a lot when people have tinted windows or if they’re giving the cops a lot of attitude or resistance.
So, if you are going to leave your window cracked during your encounter with the cops, be sure to be very polite, don’t make any sudden movements, and be sure to keep your hands visible at all times. This will help you have an easier encounter with the cops.
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