Title: Famous Singer Takes Shots at Black Men…and INSTANTLY REGRETTED IT
Created On: December 16, 2023 at 01:11PM
From: Oshay Duke Jackson
During a recent Instagram Live, K. Michelle shared her thoughts on interracial dating. According to her, Black women should be able to date whoever they want without facing any sort of backlash for it. Not everyone featured in her Live agreed with her message, however. One man appeared, arguing that when Black men date outside of their race they get “crucified,” questioning why the same rule wouldn’t apply to Black women.
“Black women should be allowed to date outside of their race and date who they want. Right?” K. Michelle said before beginning to debate with the men around her. “Black women is standing on what they standing on,” she stated. “Black women got they own money. They don’t need to stand on your money business.”