Title: 7 Supplements that Cure Premature Ejaculation
Created On: March 6, 2024 at 11:00AM
From: Stirling Cooper
Supplements that cure premature ejaculation. To learn more click https://ift.tt/zLlOMc6
Chemistry major turned sex coach, Stirling Cooper, shares his research about curing premature ejaculation by targeting brain chemistry through supplementation. Stirling highlights the role of neurotransmitters like adrenaline, cortisol, and glutamate in causing overstimulation, leading to premature ejaculation during sexual activity. Rather than relying on SSRIs or serotonin manipulation, the emphasis is on increasing GABA levels and reducing cortisol, adrenaline, and glutamate.
Seven key supplements are recommended for this purpose:
– Taurine,
– magnesium glycinate,
– L-theanine,
– vitamin B6,
– vitamin B12,
– Kanna extract NT55, and
– Rhodiola extract with 3% Rosavin
These supplements aim to balance neurotransmitters, reduce anxiety levels, and enhance GABA and serotonin production.
Stirling introduces a new supplement called STUD, formulated specifically for addressing premature ejaculation by optimizing brain chemistry. The STUD supplement is part of the Clubhouse Supplements range and is available for purchase with a 180-day money-back guarantee.
To learn more click https://ift.tt/zLlOMc6
This is an educational video presenting research for the cure of premature ejaculation in men.
Stirling Cooper is an award-winning adult film star and the world’s best sex coach for men.
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0:00 Cure premature ejaculation by fixing brain chemistry
0:04 Chemical causes of anxiety
1:05 SOme popular treatment for anxiety
1:41 Solution for PE: increase GABA with supplements
1:57 Taurine
2:17 Magnesium glycinate
2:33 L-theanine
2:47 vitamin B6
3:07 vitamin B12
3:25 Kanna extract NT55
4:03 Rhodiola extract with 3% Rosavin
4:14 STUD formula for PE
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